Web Configuration Tags that Affect Personalization

The following tags in the web.config file (located in your site root folder) affect some aspects of how Personalization works.

Important: When using the Personalization feature, the web config file’s authentication mode tag must be set to Forms.


   <personalization defaultProvider="EktronPersonalizationProvider">


          <add connectionStringName="Ektron.DbConnection" name="EktronPersonalizationProvider" type="Ektron.Cms.EktronPersonalizationProvider" />



               <allow users="*" verbs="enterSharedScope"/>

               <allow users="*" verbs="modifyState"/>




Tag or Attribute



Overall tag that surrounds other personalization tags.


Tags that surround personalization section of web.config.


If EktronPersonalizationProvider appears, Ektron’s personalization controls are used instead of Microsoft’s.


Tag that surrounds provider information.

add connectionStringName

Tells the .NET control to use the database being used by Ektron CMS400.NET.


Tells the .NET control to use Ektron CMS400.NET personalization feature instead of the .NET personalization controls.


Tells the .NET control to use Ektron CMS400.NET personalization feature instead of the .NET personalization controls.


Tag that surrounds the <allow users> tags.

allow users, enter SharedScope and modifyState

Tells Microsoft .NET to let users authorized by the Ektron CMS400.NET control the personalization features.

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